Providing diagnostics, training and equipment to serve the vision impaired
Earle Baum Center
One of our major projects that we support is the Earle Baum Center. The Earle Baum Center is a nonprofit regional community center, located in Santa Rosa, that serves people with sight loss. We spend approximately $10,000.00 each year helping the center with its vision projects.
Highlights from 2015
We purchased a “multi use” printer ($6795.00) that can be used by office personal as well as those that are visually impaired. The visually impaired can access, text to read, and use the available technologies to help them utilize the advantages of this machine.
Highlights of 2016
We spent $2600.00 to upgrade the center lighting.
We received a $10,000.00 grant to be used for the “Quest” program in the Roseland school area. That money is now being applied as specified in that grant.
We plan to continue our $10,000.00 donation each year to “Earle Baum Center” and appreciate any assistance from Clubs in District 4C2 to help us reach that goal.
Learn more about the Earl Baum Center.